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madrigal14's Reward Points: 300

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Jared Lee Loughner Sentenced to Life in Prison: Does He Deserve Life or Death?
1 Added Argument Seriously, there's something wrong with cats
1 Added Argument There are not obvious differences between Chritanity and Hinduism.
0 Downvoted Argument if you could what would you change in this world,.
0 Downvoted Argument if you could what would you change in this world,.
0 Downvoted Argument if you could what would you change in this world,.
0 Added Argument if you could what would you change in this world,.
1 Added Argument What if we master developmental biology?
-1 Downvoted Argument is islam the true religion
1 Added Argument Plants vs Zombies great or bore?
1 Added Argument What is your motto?
1 Added Argument Should the Movie Eragon be remade

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