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ViceMaga's Reward Points: 209

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Should There Be A Bridge Between The Islands Great Britain And Ireland?
1 Added Argument Where’s AOC as the Biden Administration puts kids in cages. Well Leftist?????????
1 Added Argument On A Scale Of 1-10, How Mentally Retarded Would You Say Ex-Con Is?
1 Added Argument Democrats have now created a pedophilia flag
1 Added Argument If you started a website where ANYBODY could say ANYTHING about ANYBODY?
1 Added Argument If you started a website where ANYBODY could say ANYTHING about ANYBODY?
5 Created Debate Democrats have now created a pedophilia flag
1 Added Argument Can we chew gum and have guns at the same time?
4 Created Debate When the left tells you who they are, believe them
1 Created Debate Why we are not a democracy
1 Added Argument The Leftist Mind at Work and WOW
1 Added Argument Left says Nazis are everywhere while wanting Jews and minorities disarmed
1 Created Debate Should their be a minimum age before a person can be given sex change surgery?
1 Created Debate Should we be allowed to give kids surgeries to turn them into chickens?
1 Added Argument Is the Republican platform just a list of things they don’t want others to have?
2 Added Argument Is the Republican platform just a list of things they don’t want others to have?
1 Added Argument Are you EVER gonna get tired of all this free speech at Twitter??
1 Added Argument A cop approaches you gun drawn, putting you in fear for your life, can you outdraw him?
1 Added Argument Have you found nothing worth fighting for? Show me your wounds..
3 Created Debate Kirsten Sinema switches from Democrat to Independent, shaking up the Sehate
4 Created Debate Should Nazi's be able to force Jewish baker to make a Swastika cake?
4 Created Debate Waiting for Excon to cover Biden's emails as if they were Trump's emails
1 Added Argument FBI did have agents dressed as Trump supporters at Jan 6th riot
2 Added Argument Any Democrat politicians gonna do this? Nah.

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