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Kite626's Reward Points: 714

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Greatest Super Villain?
1 Added Argument Is there any chance that you would join the Christian faith?
1 Added Argument Is there any chance that you would join the Christian faith?
1 Added Argument When has a joke gone too far?
1 Added Argument police are out of control in the USA
1 Added Argument Do "space" and "time" go hand in hand?
5 Created Debate Dropping out sometimes smart?
1 Added Argument God doesn't know everything
1 Added Argument grown and young relaships
2 Added Argument Is Google Making Us Stupid?
4 Added Argument Meaning of life
1 Added Argument If you could remove one person from history who would it be?
2 Created Debate Philosophy = ?
1 Added Argument The NDAA is a human rights violation.
1 Added Argument War can be justified sometimes.
1 Added Argument The most significant difference between atheists and theists is .........
1 Added Argument The most significant difference between atheists and theists is .........
6 Added Argument I'm so upset right now. :'(
2 Added Argument Why are people so rude towards people who believe in god?
1 Added Argument The collapse of civilisation?
1 Added Argument Do you believe in evolution (like Hitler) or Intelligent Design (like Pope Francis I)?
1 Added Argument Period 6 US History Bergen
2 Added Argument Because of gays, transgender, etc should gender specific restrooms be eliminated?
2 Added Argument Is the bible just another fictional tale?

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