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Ismiala's Reward Points: 84

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments highly flawed?
4 Added Argument The inner complexisties of our hearts will never be full expressed in words.
5 Created Debate The inner complexisties of our hearts will never be full expressed in words.
1 Added Argument What is more serious, a head injury or a foot injury?
3 Added Argument Preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments highly flawed?
1 Added Argument How Many Points do You Average a Day?
1 Added Argument Can guns be used to kill people?
2 Added Argument Should there be a "check" of Government rule or its power?
0 Downvoted Argument Why do they think i am a troll
0 Downvoted Argument Why do they think i am a troll
0 Added Argument Why do they think i am a troll
0 Added Argument Why do they think i am a troll
1 Added Argument Harlem Shake or Gangnam Style
3 Added Argument Should there be a "check" of Government rule or its power?
0 Created Debate Why do they think i am a troll
-1 Downvoted Argument Jesus Christ! I can't post on a debate today without getting banned
-1 Downvoted Argument I will not get down on my knees and worship anyone! screw that!!
2 Added Argument I will not get down on my knees and worship anyone! screw that!!
10 Added Argument Jesus Christ! I can't post on a debate today without getting banned
5 Added Argument Your reaction to this video
1 Added Argument Spelling Bee Error Your Reaction?
3 Added Argument Is the Scientific Method the Greatest Achievement of Our Species?
1 Added Argument The Great Flood Was an Actual Historical Event
0 Added Argument Is Prodigee Ismiala? (obviously you are, Miccy)
2 Added Argument It is unlikely that any extraterrestrials have ever visited earth.
3 Added Argument Nuclear Power VS. Solar Power
1 Added Argument I am not that troll. One account is enough.
8 Added Argument I would never make an account saying bad things about Jews.
0 Downvoted Argument Ismaila needs to be renamed Shitmaila
0 Downvoted Argument Ismaila needs to be renamed Shitmaila
1 Added Argument Ismaila vs Ismiala, who is the better Jew?
2 Added Argument The 2nd Amendment Would Protect Citizens from a Tyrannical Government
0 Added Argument Ismaila needs to be renamed Shitmaila
8 Added Argument Ismaila vs Ismiala, who is the better Jew?
1 Added Argument Do you agree that humans know nothing, only assumption?
0 Added Argument Ismaila needs to be renamed Shitmaila
0 Created Debate Ismaila needs to be renamed Shitmaila
0 Added Argument Shitmaila blew his fathers dick
0 Added Argument Shitmaila blew his fathers dick
0 Created Debate Shitmaila blew his fathers dick
0 Added Argument How often does this site ban people
1 Added Argument Hurting my family is a good way to get fucked up, bitch!
1 Added Argument Should drones be used in warfare
2 Added Argument how to get a girlfriend
0 Added Argument How often does this site ban people
0 Created Debate How often does this site ban people
1 Added Argument Yoga is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

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