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Cartman's Reward Points: 18192

Points When What Where
1 High Rated Argument Should Dzhokhar Tsarnaev get LIFE or DEATH?
5 Added Argument Trump is President now. Yes or no?
3 Added Argument 143255435345
3 Added Argument Trump IS the last great hope the right wing has. What'll they do if he's impeached?
9 Added Argument Trump is President now. Yes or no?
1 Added Argument Why is Obama a choice for your picture on createdebate, but Trump is not?
1 High Rated Argument the simplest way communism makes no sense
1 Added Argument how feminism may be destroying society
6 Added Argument Barack Obama is the "Most Expensive Ex-President Ever"
1 Added Argument Shia Labeouf, liberal actor goes on racist rant towards black cop. Okay or no?
5 Added Argument Stocks are soaring. Corporations are making big MONEY.. Do they need a tax cut?
10 Added Argument the simplest way communism makes no sense
1 Added Argument Is believing that something can come from nothing a mental illness?
1 Added Argument Do I deserve to die and burn in Hell forever?
6 Added Argument Why be moral?
7 Added Argument Who wants to kick off the civil war MORE, righty's or lefty's??
2 Added Argument Houston in termoil: Cnn is an absolute disgrace. Agree or disagree?
1 High Rated Argument Should we have "black awards" or should we stop it now??
2 Added Argument Natural selection occurs again in Texas, Oh hail darwin
3 Added Argument Why Do Christian Conservatives Claim To Be "Pro-Life" And Yet Support The Death Penalty?
1 Added Argument If you don't HATE black people, but BELIEVE in your heart that they're INFERIOR,
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Islam reform to stop people abusing it?
1 Added Argument Should we have "black awards" or should we stop it now??
1 Added Argument Should we have "black awards" or should we stop it now??

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