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Bohemian's Reward Points: 3858

Points When What Where
9 Added Argument In Chicago, Gun Violence Defies Comprehension
1 Added Argument What is the point of points?
1 Added Argument A Gender wage gap exists, but not because of discrimination.
5 Created Debate A Gender wage gap exists, but not because of discrimination.
9 Added Argument Is Evolution Science?
4 Added Argument Should the United States Rewrite the Pledge of Alliances to NOT Have the word Under God?
4 Added Argument There are two reasons one might accept a conventional mortgage, idiocy or intimidation
8 Added Argument Is Evolution Science?
1 Added Argument Was Osama bin Laden a good man?
1 Added Argument Would you rather sacrifice 1,000 lives now in or 1,000,000 lives over the course
1 Added Argument Why are assassins in movies always young?
1 Added Argument Are all Muslims heroes??

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